Saturday, March 28, 2009
Big Brother Goes Global
To be continued . . . . maybe. Right?!
The Military is Hiring . . .

The real shizz is, this is all that faithful website can dredge up with the current state of affairs.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Video killed more than the radio star...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Misconceptions of Poverty
The Seattle Times posted these two articles on their website today:
States consider drug tests for welfare recipients
"Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing...Those in favor of the drug tests say they are motivated out of a concern for their constituents' health and ability to put themselves on more solid financial footing once the economy rebounds. But proponents concede they also want to send a message: you don't get something for nothing."
Seattle Pacific students spend 5 days on streets to feel pain of homeless
"Google the words "spring break" and up pop images of bikinis, beaches, more bikinis, and margaritas...That couldn't be further from the experience this week of 18 Seattle Pacific University students. They chose to spend their spring break on the streets of Seattle living as if they were homeless, as part of the school's experiential "urban plunge" program."
And from the NYTimes:
Financial Safety Net of Nonprofit Organizations Is Fraying, Survey Finds
"'It’s very clear how fragile financially many of these organizations are, and especially the ones on the front lines, the safety net or lifeline organizations,' said Clara Miller, chief executive of the fund...More than half the respondents said they would like help communicating their financial difficulties to their boards and donors, highlighting the growing belief in the nonprofit world that government and the public do not understand the role it plays in American society."
It's a sad state of affairs...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Green Festival

Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Fear Factor

The pros: Shmeat could help to solve the protein demands for our ever growing world population, animal cruelty would all but go away, environmental impacts of factory farming would disappear, it could be healthier – shmeat engineers could add omega 3’s take away fat etc., its not any less natural then some of the foods we eat regularly like cheese or bread which all require processing natural ingredients in order to be created
The cons: ick factor X 100, safety is questionable -we really can’t yet say what messing with nature like this could do (not that we don’t already do this where meat is concerned , I mean we feed cows hormones), people would be even further removed from the food they eat (think Styrofoam and plastic wrappers plus test tubes), it my not really be humane- scientists still have not found a way to complete shmeat without calf fetuses up in the mix, it will need additives to taste good, it could pass through the FDA without public input
Whatcha think???
Friday, March 20, 2009
Smokin Smarties
1) I want to smoke a smartie
2)It must hurt blowing it out your nose
3)Why didn't we figure this out when we were 13?
4) Another reason to keep the internet away from kids.
It's totally conflicting, I know.
One in 8 Million

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fairey from the Streets

Paris Bling Bling

A nine-month study commissioned by Pres. Sarkozy to make Paris the first sustainable “post-Kyoto city” (aka post Kyoto Treaty) has resulted in 10 plans by both French and international achitects. The aim? To create a plan for a greener, more sustainable city, and to break down the isolation between the outlying neighborhoods and the historic center. Those outlying neighborhoods include the poor immigrant neighborhoods that erupted in violence in 2005.
One design calls for a massive greenbelt to circle the city and all new construction to be limited to that space. Another promotes the idea of a new elevated train fav was proposed by Richard Rogers, whose amazing work (i.e. Bodegas Protos, Spain and Lloyds Register, UK) has made him an architectural superstar. His design is pictured above and includes a underground rail system that would cut the city into pie-like wedges that all converge on a singular center. I wish there were more pictures!!!
PS: apparently Pres. Sarkozy is often dismissed as President "Bling Bling". Must sound even more ridiculous with a French accent.
Seattle SoundBite Tonight!
Regional bands, including The Helio Sequence, Sue Quigley, Bird Show of North America, and Doctor Doctor play while thirteen local restaurants, like Crémant, Quinn’s, Serafina, Tango, and Via Tribunali serve street-food eats.
Tickets online at
Northwest Music on the Scene Tonight
Prohibition Era Minus the No Alcohol part. . .

When??: Saturday, March 21
Where??: Georgetown Ballroom, 5623 Airport Way S. (206-763-4999)
Get more info at
Find out more about Vitamin Angels at:
Fear Mongering
When I was little I spent summer mornings at swim team practice. I've always had an irrational fear of water animals, aka animals that want to chomp my feet off. So I enlisted this fear to help me be the best swimmer AquaDive ever saw...unfortunately, imagining sharks chasing me in the well chlorinated lap pool only resulted in mad dashes that ended in panic enduced hyperventilating. Six months ago I finally conquered this fear just enough to snorkel sans freakout in Oahu's Shark Cove (take that irrational childhood fear!)...but now, after perusing this blog I fear my progress may have taken a serious setback. Damn internets.
Sounders Kick Off

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Really? Really? Finally.

and not hear chiggity check yoself before you wiggity wreck yoself... and then some stuff about shotgun bullets being bad for your health.
We better be careful Boogs.
Dada Economics . . . .

Oh my gods!

Cut and Paste

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Samurai Warrior Ethic
"I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe [AIG executives] ought to be removed," Grassley said. "But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.
"And in the case of the Japanese, they usually commit suicide before they make any apology."
Word on the street is Obama's facing a populist uprising...think feudal Japanese ethics are the next step?

Monday, March 16, 2009
Bailouts? Stimulus Package?
note: the pallets on the last pic are double stacked!
"All the presidents' girls" . . . . and one man.

Annie Kevan’s take on portraiture is definitely fresh and full of exploration . . . as the artist says “my work isn’t really about portraiture; it’s always firstly about an idea”. Remember the name because people are taking note, or should be. Really it is only a matter of time before this artist is no longer starving. The photo above is the portrait of Mariella Novotny, supposedly one of JFK’s many concubines. Mariella stars in Kevan’s “All the Presidents’ Girls” series which includes every mistress from Marilyn & Monica to Venus & a Princess. Other series titles include “Boys”, “Girls”, “Mousketeers” and more. Each run reveals a little bit more of the artist’s investigation of society and the labels that we be become. As she puts it, she seeks to “reflect [her] interests in power, manipulation and the role of the individual in inherited belief systems”. Check out the rest of her work.
For The Do Gooders Hair Do
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest'sYoung Professionals invite you to get Chic for Choice!
Saturday, March 21st - Monday, March 23rd, 2009Join us and let haircare make a difference for healthcare!$35 includes a haircut appointment with one of Seattle's most talented stylists, hors d'ouevres, and a chance to win one of our fabulous gift baskets.
Get glam before you go out at one of our participating salons:Vain (Ballard)Salon Chemistry (Capitol Hill)Helmet Head (Georgetown)Deluxe (Phinney Ridge)Salon Divine (Wedgewood)Salon Lorache (Columbia City)Quint Eby Salon (Belltown)
Has music season started yet?!
4.13 Monday Chop Suey Presents
8pm doors
Who's comming with me????
A Must See . . .

"There must be a neuroscientific explanation for the pure pleasure of seeing these 17th-to-19th-century Indian paintings. Every tree is a fireworks display, a dendritic rush—the brain recognizing itself in the universe. Painted rivers glimmer gold and silver, seeming to move by you, playfully, as much as you move by them. The colors, opaque watercolors, are ecstatic. No wonder: They're made of lapis lazuli, malachite, vermilion, indigo plant, and the bright yellow urine of cows fed only mango leaves. Women, kings, gods, and animals appear in waves that reverberate across space. They dance, they chase each other, they give foot rubs, they swim, they consider their place in the cosmos, they fall in love. The eye simply registers joy." (Jen Graves)
America’s next top melee
Arrests After Melee at TV Casting Call
"It was America’s next top melee.
An open casting call for the reality television program 'America’s Next Top Model' turned into mayhem on Saturday afternoon in Midtown Manhattan. Fights broke out, three people were arrested and at least six others suffered minor injuries after they were pushed down in a crush of thousands of aspiring models waiting in line to be discovered...
Contestant hopefuls said the lines were poorly coordinated, and no one knew what to do or when they would be seen. With little to eat and no way to use the bathroom without losing a spot in line, tempers flared...
By 6 p.m. Saturday, West 55th Street was littered with the wreckage of the day: torn sleeping bags where aspiring contestants had spent the night, police barricades, shoes and clothes in the gutter. More than a hundred women still waited on the sidewalk, hoping to get into the Park Central.
'This was a huge dream of mine,' said Rebecca Albora, 21, of Saddle Brook, N.J. 'I lost my dream. I lost my chance.'"
El Corrido de Joe Arpaio
Voy a cantarles un corrido a los presentes,
que le compuse a Joe Arpaio de Arizona,
un sinverguenza, desgraciado, anti-inmigrante,
que se ha ganado el repudio de toda la gente.
Es un sheriff que está gastando mucha plata,
mucho dinero que paga el contribuyente,
Arpaio mete preso al inmigrante
porque el dice que son unos delicuentes,
pero tan sólo buscan un trabajo decente
que en su pais ellos no lo han encontrado
y sin sentido y sin razón aparente
por una calle encandenados los paseaba
Ya los latinos de Arpaio están cansados,
Ya los latinos están muy organizados
no tienen miedo ni al sheriff, ni policía,
a Joe Arpaio le dicen y le repiten
sos criminal deberías estar preso.
I will sing a corrido to all those present
that I wrote for Joe Arpaio from Arizona,
a shameless, disgraceful immigrant hater
who has earned the repudiation of the people.
Arpaio puts the immigrants in jail
because he says that they are crooks
but they are only looking for a decent job
that they haven’t found in their own country
And without any apparent sense or reason
he paraded them in chains down the street
Latinos are tired
Immigrants, who are very organized,
don’t fear the sheriff or the police.
They say to Joe Arpaio and they say it again:
You’re a criminal and should be in jail.
You can hear him sing it here.