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Would He Run? - Watch more Funny Videos
Aren't you glad you can run way faster than you can walk??
and so on....
This may be on the corny side but I think it's the cutest thing ever. A 7 year old who wrote a report on feminism?! Awesome! A 7 year old who rolls around town with a skateboard on her back?! Awesome! A 7 year old who uses the phrase "I know!"?! Awesome!
(courtesy of Lu-Down)
Passion Pit - The Reeling from Smoke My Tabaco on Vimeo.
I feel in love with Passion Pit when I heard Sleepyhead and now they have fully consumed my heart with this new cut and video. Album drops 5/19!
Remember a few years back when Liam Show put out the Shoes video on youtube? (Those shoes are miiiine bitch) This video seems like the appropriate progression. Tiga always seemed more comedy than hit (except for Sexor's Your Gonna Want Me) this proves it. And I'm totally feeling the chick's jumping cholla dress.
In 1999, the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The Justices stated that since removing jeans "...is impossible if the victim is struggling with all her might," the victim must have assisted the attacker in removing her jeans, which they felt implied consent.
Denim Day began as a heated response to this verdict. However, it has now evolved into an internationally celebrated day to show your support for ending sexual violence, honoring survivors and raising awareness of the issue.
I'm going to start incorporating Chesucristo into my vocabulary immediately.
From the people who brought us Sea Kittens, breast-milk ice cream and a controversial Super Bowl ad...Rescue Shelter Boys! And unlike a PETA staffer I am not posting West End Girls to celebrate. It's just a killer song...killer.
Thanks for the what what Mena!
So I decided to delete the video because getting the stupid "download Quick Time" pop up everytime I checked up on the blog got super old. So visit the link and check the video, pop up free.
Check the video out here.
By Supermarché.
Sidenote: I just learned that Phil "the Wall of Sound" Spector produced the Ramones End of the Century...I'm seeing life a little clearer now.
The Seattle Times posted these two articles on their website today:
States consider drug tests for welfare recipients
"Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing...Those in favor of the drug tests say they are motivated out of a concern for their constituents' health and ability to put themselves on more solid financial footing once the economy rebounds. But proponents concede they also want to send a message: you don't get something for nothing."
Seattle Pacific students spend 5 days on streets to feel pain of homeless
"Google the words "spring break" and up pop images of bikinis, beaches, more bikinis, and margaritas...That couldn't be further from the experience this week of 18 Seattle Pacific University students. They chose to spend their spring break on the streets of Seattle living as if they were homeless, as part of the school's experiential "urban plunge" program."
And from the NYTimes:
Financial Safety Net of Nonprofit Organizations Is Fraying, Survey Finds
"'It’s very clear how fragile financially many of these organizations are, and especially the ones on the front lines, the safety net or lifeline organizations,' said Clara Miller, chief executive of the fund...More than half the respondents said they would like help communicating their financial difficulties to their boards and donors, highlighting the growing belief in the nonprofit world that government and the public do not understand the role it plays in American society."
It's a sad state of affairs...